
Clinton Research was retained to provide an annotated bibliography, statistics and documentation for the UNESCO World Information Report 1997/98. This project focused on the libraries and information services section on Canada and the United States.  The report is available online at the Documents and Publications section of the UNESCO website.

IDC Publishers, a European academic publisher, requested a marketing report on changes, issues and trends in Canadian universities as Canada entered the 21st century. The marketing report examined various social phenomena, including the baby boom echo generation, the Ontario double cohort, endowments and funding, as well as the high turn over of faculty due to baby boom retirements and changes to academic programmes.

The European Commission provided funding for a new university in Tetovo, Macedonia and Clinton Research was asked to compile bibliographies of suitable titles for the students using the new university reference library. A smaller bibliography was compiled to assist the librarians with cataloguing, reference, collection development and related literature.

The Scott Social Sciences and Humanities Library at York University requested a pathfinder on the subject of the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology. This was delivered using a content management system. The pathfinder contains references to electronic databases, indexes, encyclopedias, web guides, primary and biographical resources, associations, journals and books.

This page presents a list of sample projects. Details of these and other projects available upon request.